Sweaters and Tops: The Look for Less

Posted by Katie Grabner on

I just recently shared some new finds that I purchased. I really feel like I rarely get to shop for myself with all of the things we need for our little ones, so I did splurge a tad... but I didn't even get much. Most of the items were on a sale and I couldn't link them for you anymore, but I did share the items that are still shoppable. You can find them here.

Why you ask? I'm now getting into a phase where the kids are getting a tad easier to manage (a tad) at their young, and close, ages. So with that, I am also finding that if I am ever able to get out and about, my wardrobe is seriously slacking. SERIOUSLY SLACKING. Why do I save so many old clothes?! And don't even get me started with the random things I needed to purchase through the pregnancy and post pregnancy stages! (The, "I'm pregnant, but not really showing yet and need baggier looser clothing, the I'm prego for sure -- bring on the maternity clothes, and the I'm not prego anymore and need everything in a larger size that's non-maternity.. x2 different pregnancies in two totally different seasons).

SO, after all of that, I bring to you some curated sweaters and tops that are all under $100. I had someone reach out to me, expressing that the items I just shared were a bit pricey, so it inspired me to go out and search for some basic tops and sweaters and some fashionable tops to add to your wardrobe for a deal. What do you think? Do you like to splurge on a few nice pieces, go crazy on some steals, or little bit of both?



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