"Blogging" Momma

Posted by Katie Grabner on

Photo from clagettdesigns
What can I say.. life is a whirl wind! One day you’re designing jewelry and running your own business.. the next you’re a marketing manager.. and then you take a look at your life and decide, what’s important?


For me, that answer was family.


A jewelry designer turned momma, turned volunteer momma, turned blogger momma!


For those of you who don’t know me, I ran a jewelry business for the past 5 years and blogged about it along the way. After getting my business, Clagett Designs, to a certain point, I realized I wanted help. I wanted to see some designs come to life that I couldn’t make myself. I turned to some trusted jewelers in India to help bring my visions to reality. After plenty of trial and error, I reconsidered where I was investing all of my time and money. I wasn’t getting the results I was hoping for. After all, I couldn’t 100% count on the quality of my products if I wasn’t making them myself. I decided I was at a point where I wanted to pump the breaks on jewelry all together to focus my energy on starting our own family.


40 weeks of pregnancy came and went quickly, and here I am breastfeeding my 5 month old baby boy as I write my newest blog post. It’s amazing how multi-talented you can become when you have a baby, but you really have to be in order to get anything accomplished! (Apologies if that is too much information, but, my goal is to be completely upfront about what life is like as a new mom. I somewhat guard this topic of conversation in my real life, but I will try not to while writing because it’s perfectly natural).


I’ve thought about it a lot. I’ve been wanting to write about my life as a new mom, share my thoughts and my many learned lessons, without worrying too much about grammar either. First of all, I’d like to say that I recognize that there are literally, seriously, millions of bloggers out there. I get that. I don’t want to be another annoying blogger to add to your list of blogs you don’t read. But, for anyone actually interested in my life, I want to share what’s on my mind, share my input on life as a mom and not make it all about being perfect either. Don’t get me wrong, my little guy is perfect (I am biased because he’s my little bubba), but being a mom has a few days where, quite frankly, it's hard! (Just like anything else). Being a mom is the most perfect gift of all, but it’s also like a wild storm interrupting life as-you-know-it at the same time, in the BEST way ever. One thing stands true, there is nothing better than being a mother. 


Lastly, I also have a serious love for interior design. I dream of making a career out of it someday, if I ever find the time. So expect lots of baby talk, design inspiration and maybe a little fashion too.


Thanks for reading and for the support in this "new" endeavor I’ve decided to pick back up again. Blog name, TBD and a new look.. coming soon (maybe). 


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